Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Latest Custom Order!

Ok ok, I have to tell you all about my latest custom order that came in last week, at first, I wasn't sure even the customer (a friend of mine) was serious! But, he's totally serious.

Guess what I get to make! Guess Guess Guess!!!

Ok, did you all guess? Cuz I'm gonna bet that none of you saw this coming. I get to make...

A full adult-sized Max suit! From Where the Wild Things Are. I am very excited about it :D

It will be an interesting trip, the customer is about 6 feet tall (I'm not...) and he wants it complete, like, footie-pajama style with a hood and ears and tail and everything! Are you not excited yet? So I ordered the yarn the other day, but its going to take a few weeks to get here because I had to order a lot (I mean, he's six feet tall...that requires a lot of yarn). I think I'm going to do it top down, kind of raglan styled.

I promise to keep you all up-to-date with the process!

1 comment:

Rainy Day Gardener said...

What an exciting project and undertaking!

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