We gave her a carrot before we left which she promptly pocketed into her cheek pockets and she rode in her little traveling cage in the car until Matt let her climb out then she rode in his lap the rest of the way there. We took some delicious food for ourselves including fresh fruits and Cool Whip, kidney beans, tortillas, cheese, etc etc, all easy to pack and eat foods. The lid of the Cool Whip was laying on the grass in front of me when Delilah started making her way toward it. I attempted to lift the lid out of her path but as soon as I started to pick it up the hamster bellyflopped onto it! There were quite a few little white whipped cream footprints following her after she finally crawled off.
All in all, the picnic was a blast and I know that at least Delilah and I had fun, I'm sure the gent did too :)
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